Thursday, December 1, 2011


There were 28 people at our weekly Toastmasters meeting

Two outstanding prepared speeches, both icebreakers, an impromptu speech by a superbly entertaining toastmaster, a fabulous table topics session, & some very educative evaluators. Ok, that last part isn't strictly true, since I was one of them. But it was a fantastic meeting nonetheless.

A key learning from today's meeting was the intensity of the focus that some of the speakers had - they were very clear what they wanted out of Toastmasters, & they did achieve what they wanted. The icing on the cake was that, by their own admission, they enjoyed the process of learning, & the thrill they got out of speaking at the events they were forced to. Each one of them is back for more.

I found that the day's events are usually lost in the busy-ness of life.

My decision to go off Facebook has created more time for at least a little reflection.

I will hopefully keep this up.

Fingers crossed.